Are you at risk for HSP Burnout?
Below are a series of questions. Each answer has a letter assigned to it. On a piece of paper, write the letter down to each answer you give and then tally them up at the end. The results to your final number will determine your risk for HSP burnout.   

1. How often do you feel emotionally or physically overwhelmed and/or overstimulated?  
A. Never
B. Sometimes (2-3 times a month)
C. Regularly (2-4 times a week)
D. Daily

2. How often do you feel compelled to “help” or “fix” another person’s emotional or logistical stress?
A. Never
B. Sometimes (2-3 times a month)
C. Regularly (2-4 times a week)
D. Daily

3. How often do you feel tired but unable to sleep or relax?  
A. Never
B. Sometimes (2-3 times a month)
C. Regularly (2-4 times a week)
D. Daily

4. How often do you experience stress or sensory overwhelm that creates physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, sweating, increased heart rate, or any form of physical pain?  
A. Never
B. Sometimes (2-3 times a month)
C. Regularly (2-4 times a week)
D. Daily

5. How often do you find it difficult to tell people “no” when they ask you for favors?  
A. Never
B. Sometimes (2-3 times a month)
C. Regularly (2-4 times a week)
D. Daily

6. How often do you feel down on yourself for not being able to get to all the things you want to do?
A. Never
B. Sometimes (2-3 times a month)
C. Regularly (2-4 times a week)
D. Daily

7. How often do you engage in at least one self-care activity, including but not limited to, a long bath/warm shower, counseling, supplements, meditation, exercise, napping, or getting to bed early? 
A. Never
B. Sometimes (2-3 times a month)
C. Regularly (2-4 times a week)
D. Daily   
8. How often do you hesitate or feel guilty taking time to recharge because others in your family do not have the same degree of self-care needs?  
A. Never
B. Sometimes (2-3 times a month)
C. Regularly (2-4 times a week)
D. Daily

9. How often do you feel guilt/pressure to meet external expectations even if it’s at the expense of your well-being?  
A. Never
B. Sometimes (2-3 times a month)
C. Regularly (2-4 times a week)
D. Daily

10. How often do you feel the need to withdraw from social interactions to reset and recharge?
A. Never
B. Sometimes (2-3 times a month)
C. Regularly (2-4 times a week)
D. Daily

11. How often do you feel like you have no bandwidth at the end of the day left for self care and end up scrolling through social media in an effort to “turn off” instead?
A. Never
B. Sometimes (2-3 times a month)
C. Regularly (2-4 times a week)
D. Daily

12. On a scale of 0-5, where 0 is exhausted throughout the day and 5 is feeling fully energized while able to complete all necessary tasks for the day: How would you rate your energy levels on an average day?
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
E. 1

For questions 13-15 please answer yes, no or sometimes:
13. Do you find yourself snapping at loved ones in ways that are hurtful to you and/or to them?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes

14. Do you get sick more often than your friends/family?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes

15. Have you ever felt unwell to the point of consulting a medical professional, only to be told they cannot find anything wrong/all tests are normal?  
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes

Tally your score:
1. A – 0 points / B – 1 point / C – 2 points / D – 3 points
2. A – 0 points / B – 1 point / C – 2 points / D – 3 points
3. A – 0 points / B – 1 point / C – 2 points / D – 3 points
4. A – 0 points / B – 1 point / C – 2 points / D – 3 points
5. A – 0 points / B – 1 point / C – 2 points / D – 3 points
6. A – 0 points / B – 1 point / C – 2 points / D – 3 points
7. A – 4 points / B – 3 points / C – 2 points / D – 0 points
8. A – 0 points / B – 1 point / C – 2 points / D – 3 points
9. A – 0 points / B – 1 point / C – 2 points / D – 3 points
10. A – 0 points / B – 1 point / C – 2 points / D – 3 points
11. A – 0 points / B – 1 point / C – 2 points / D – 3 points
12. A – 0 points / B – 1 point / C – 2 points / D – 3 points / E – 4 points
13. A – 2 points / B – 0 points / C – 1 point
14. A – 2 points / B – 0 points / C – 1 point
15. A – 2 points / B – 0 points / C – 1 point

Results ranges & description:

What is HSP Burnout?
Highly Sensitive Person burnout is a state of physical, emotional, professional and mental depletion that often leads the HSP to believe there is something fundamentally wrong with them, physically or psychologically. The state typically accompanies a sense of mental and physical exhaustion that can also manifest as hopelessness and a deep sense of separation or disconnect from all that was once meaningful to the HSP. Highly sensitive people are thought to have a heightened sensitivity to external stimuli, such as noise, light, and emotions, and often experience a deeper emotional response to their surroundings. HSP burnout occurs when the cumulative stressors and sensory overload experienced by highly sensitive individuals overwhelm their available resources. HSP burnout is analogous, and in some instances closely related, to a traumatic experience as an HSPs connection to their sense of purpose is non-negotiable to their true satisfaction and optimal health.

After adding up the points from questions 1-15, you will find your results below.

RED – Highest risk of burnout: 36-54
You scored as having the highest risk of burnout and are likely, at a minimum, in the beginning stages of the state. A score in this range means that you are at a crucial point of intervention in terms of your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing and life satisfaction. This is the most challenging of the three risk levels because once we get to this stage we are so depleted that mobilizing ourselves to make changes feels nearly impossible or completely out of reach. Even if you have been at a low risk in the past (yes this can be only temporary and doesn’t mean you are stuck here forever!) any HSP can find themselves in a state of high risk for burnout multiple times throughout their life. Unfortunately, for some people this is a chronic state and they may not be aware that it is possible to exist at a lower risk of burnout as an HSP. Now that you know where you stand, awareness is the first step in any transformation, it’s time to start taking small, measurable steps towards feeling better and finding true satisfaction within your HSP life. These intense emotional experiences of being on the brink of/in burnout can feel paralyzing. If this is the case for you, you may want to consider seeking professional help from an HSP focused comprehensive provider such as Dr. Karen Lamb at

YELLOW – You have a moderate risk of HSP burnout 17-35.
Although not at the highest risk, you are still experiencing some lifestyle risks and symptoms associated with burnout. You may be feeling more stressed than desirable and perhaps have difficulty managing your tendency to overcommit. However, at the end of the day you are likely able to wake up feeling mostly balanced and can often start your day with enough energy to get through all necessary and maybe even some replenishing tasks. This is a valuable early indicator that can help you take steps to prevent burnout from becoming more severe. Consider this a call to action to prioritize your well-being and make changes to your lifestyle, relationships and work habits to reduce the risk of burnout even further into the “green” risk level. Consider focusing on strengthening fundamental self-care practices, setting boundaries and more effectively managing stress to further reduce your risk of burnout.

GREEN – Low burnout risk 0-16
Congratulations!!!! You are currently at a low risk of developing burnout as a Highly Sensitive Person. You are maximizing and prioritizing your self-care including setting strong interpersonal boundaries and keeping your energy tank topped off in order to prevent overstimulation and overload. You likely feel good energy throughout the day and you experience nervous system flexibility, allowing you to relax during the day and feel restored upon waking. Keep up the great work and know that if you ever fall off the self care horse you can jump back on and find yourself here again.